You know lots of girls want to have their boyfriends to buy them lots gifts. For me, I really don't ask a lot even simple email or a handwritten letter will satisfy me because I know my boyfriend has a busy life and just that daily email every Monday just makes my week go by smoother. You know I think the littlest things makes the relationship last longer because you're showing the person that you love that you really love and want to show that everyday! You know I remember back in October that just before James left for Argentina when he got his visa that he sent his last letter from Detroit and sent me a bracelet but when he sent the bracelet it got lost in the mail and I was so upset about it because he sent there all that trouble to sent it to me and have it be lost and I was also upset to tell him and make him upset, but it worked out because I told him about it and I guess he mention it to his mom and I told her too that I was a little disappointed because I wanted something to look at and think of him and his sweet parents went to the mall and got me this beautiful sterling silver heart shaped bracelet and when his mom texted me that she had something to show me. I kept getting this prompting that it was a bracelet and when I open the box and found it was the bracelet. I thought it was the most beautiful bracelet I've ever seen in my life! It was to replace what got lost in the mail! His mom told me that I seemed like a grateful person and would've loved it no matter what kind of bracelet it was. Its true I am a very grateful person because coming from a family with minimal amount of money you learn to be grateful for what you have because you could be with out it, but knowing that they picked this heart shaped bracelet made me fell in love with it because I love anything with hearts! It represents Love, Kindness, Charity! Along with other meaningful definitions. Since then I haven't taken it off. I don't think I will ever take it off. I feel lost without it. I know its just a bracelet to some people, but its very precious to me! Just like the heart shaped necklace that my dad gave me on my 13th Birthday. Six months before he passed away from Colon cancer. Thats a different story that I'll tell another time. You know when something like that happens to you. You definitely embraces every moment and don't ever take things for granted. You appreciate the smallest things. I don't ask for a lot. I'm a happy camper to get an email every monday from my missionary because I know that just shows that he's thinking about and stills love me enough to talk to me and even though I don't get to text him every second of the day or stay up late talking until 2:00am, or even skype each other randomly like we used to. I'm okay with that because I know he's doing the Lord's work and working in his vineyard and seeing the fruits of his labors bloom and blossom and I know his happy! That's all I've ever wanted from him is to be happy! I'm so happy and proud of him!! I seriously couldn't have asked for a better man in my life! I can't wait to email him!! I love my tall, blonde cowboy!! Only one more week until he reaches 200 Days being out on his mission and only 536 more days until he comes home!! I Love You Elder Madsen!!

The lock part of the bracelet |
I Love This Bracelet!! |
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